Master your exam preparation and skyrocket your results with the only tuition service of it’s kind.
Guiding students from where they are to where they need to be with stress-free learning solutions.

William Shao
Cambridge Mastery Founder
Here’s how we do it:
Study Plans
Taking the time to really understand where the student is struggling and providing an exact blueprint based around how the student learns best.
Unlimited Lesson Recordings
Never stress over forgetting classroom content ever again with private lesson recordings you can replay on demand.
Remove the age-old “I just didn’t know how to do it” excuse students use about why they didn’t do the practice.
Cambridge Mastery
- Subscription based tuition approach → a 90minute One-to-One weekly lesson → follow up by tutor within the first 24 hours to make sure that the student is doing enough practice → send lesson recordings for anything they forget during the lesson → Completely predictable results by the time the exam season comes.
- We determine for the student where they’re weak and what to work on.
- Checking up on students throughout the week to ensure they’re doing the practice.
- Moving on from a topic ONLY after a student DEMONSTRATES a satisfactory understanding via ASSSESMENT.
- We guarantee results and back ourselves by promising a full 50% refund of all tuition costs to date if results aren’t delivered.
- Communicating with students in the same manner they would interact with their peers, making them feel so at ease that we know exactly where they’re at.
Every Other Tuition Service
- Pay someone to recite information for an hour → afterwards the tutor doesn’t exist until the next week’s lesson → tutor makes no personal effort to ensure that the student is doing enough practice in between lessons → tutor pretends to be surprised as to why the student didn’t get results.
- Asking failing students who haven’t done any study all year what they’d like to cover in class as if they’d know the correct answer.
- Expecting students to effectively study unprompted and have no correspondence with them until the next lesson when it’s time to get paid.
- Moving on because a student said “I get it now” despite knowing fully well they don’t get it.
- Promising results but unwilling to back themselves by providing a money back guarantee if results aren’t delivered.
- Communicating with students the same way their school teachers do, making them too uncomfortable to be honest with where they’re at.
Are you sick of tutors that promise results but can’t guarantee it? That’s not us!
Every tutor and his dog will swear that he can get you results. But if you ask for a guarantee? Watch him shy away and defer to the unpredictability of a student’s performance.
A tutor who’s fully transparent about student progress will always know exactly where students are at. How a student is going to perform in the final exam is always PREDICTABLE.
Look at...
- Student Morale
- Adherence to the study plan
- Subject understanding
Exercises in Futility
An effective tutor is not someone you pay to recite information for an hour and then disappears until the next lesson. An effective tutor is someone who imparts an understanding.
Look at...
- Constant Assesment
- Uncompromised Reliability
- Non-Negotiable Expectations
No amount of tutoring is a substitute for the mandatory amount of self-practice students must engage in to achieve exam mastery. We hold students accountable for their commitment to self-study outside of lesson hours
Look at...
- Clear Objectives
- Unlimited Assistance
- Student Engagement